Go to Physics of Soccer website: www.physicsofsoccer.com
Benefits of The Physics of Soccer
This book teaches readers the following:
• Ability to critically assess soccer game scenarios and make appropriate field-based decisions informed by science
• Ability to assess capabilities of teammates and opponents from a scientific viewpoint
• Ability to capitalize on the geometry of the field of play and respective locations and placements of other players
• Ability to use non-verbal “communication” to direct or influence the motion of teammates and opponents
• Ability of view the field of play as a system of people (players, coaches, referees, spectators, supporters,
detractors), objects (soccer ball, the pitch, goal posts, etc), and the environment whose respective behaviors are
governed by the laws of science
• Ability to quickly assess the implications of directional motions of opponents and teammates on the field of play
• Ability to enjoy the applications of Physics to the game of soccer and leverage the enjoyment to build interest in
further study of Science Although the primary focus is on adolescent soccer players, younger players will enjoy it
also as an introductory preparation for how they may approach soccer in later years.
It is never too early to introduce players to the beauty and applications of science. Soccer coaches, soccer parents, and league administrators can also benefit from the book. For this reason, specific paragraphs are included in the book to address the specific interests of these constituent groups. Soccer Moms and Soccer Spouses can particularly benefit from the Chapters on Soccer basics and Case examples, which are presented in a novice-like simplicity format. Similarly, soccer grand-parents will be interested in this book as gifts to grand-kids.